Peru’s Interior Minister has 17 advisors

The Interior Ministry’s director of Drugs and Illegal Crops denounced the fact that the Interior Minister, Daniel Urresti, has 17 advisors on his personal staff.

In speaking with Panorama TV on Sunday, Manuel Aguila added that Urresti’s chief of staff, Ibis Vilallobos, is a 34-year-old lawyer with no higher professional degree or experience in management. Aguila provided a document from Human Resources listing the employees’ names, titles and salaries. Vilallobos’ monthly salary of 25,000 soles ($8114) is part of Urresti’s staff expenditure of 149,000 soles.

Aguila insisted that he is not affiliated with any political party. He claims he presented this information to the press out of indignation at the irregular number of advisors compared to other ministries.

“It’s unbelievable. It’s shocking that a cabinet has 17 advisors with no management experience. This looks like corruption. If these 17 advisors had some kind of management efficiency or specialty, I wouldn’t be here. But there is no management ability. There is management inability. Their only ability is with Twitter.”

Aguila added that, despite the large staff, previously planned reforms have not advanced. Some of those reforms include remodeling public schools, modernizing the Police Hospital and developing electronic communication between police patrols.

Daniel Urresti has developed a reputation for generating controversy via his Twitter account. In the recent Pichanaki protests against Argentine energy company Pluspetrol, Urresti asserted the police did not carry guns despite one dead and 32 injured from bullet wounds.


Daniel Urresti tiene 17 asesores en su despacho, revelan (RPP)
Ministro Daniel Urresti tiene 17 asesores ministeriales | VIDEO (La Republica)
El ministro Daniel Urresti tiene 12 asesores en su despacho (El Comercio)
Las veces que el ministro Daniel Urresti generó polémica (El Comercio)

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