Former minister for Alberto Fujimori left country despite arrest order

It has not been a good week for the Fujimori family in Peru. After former President Alberto Fujimori’s pardon was lifted and the 80-year-old was ordered back to prison, daughter Keiko Fujimori was put in 10-day pretrial detention for allegations of money laundering during her 2011 presidential campaign.

Authorities now say that Jaime Yoshiyama, a former minister for the eldest Fujimori, is outside of the country despite an active arrest order out for him, according to state-owned news site Andina. Yoshiyama’s detention order was handed down along with Keiko Fujimori’s by the same judge, Richard Concepción. In total, the order applies to 19 people connected to an alleged scandal involving receiving Odebrecht campaign funds.

Yoshiyama left for the United States on Sunday and was free to go because there was no travel ban blocking him from leaving, despite the arrest order. Concepcion explicitly ruled to prevent a travel order from being made, Andina reports.

Besides Yoshiyama, another suspect with an active arrest warrant, Ytalo Pachas, was also able to leave the country for Ecuador earlier this week.

Yoshiyama was most notably the Minister of Presidency under the elder Fujimori, among other cabinet roles during the two-term tenure.

He had previously been found guilty for rebellion in the legal proceedings for the self coup in 1992

Michael Krumholtz: