Ten Peru startups to participate in first-ever Pacific Alliance South Summit

The Pacific Alliance brings new opportunities for entrepreneurs

The first edition of the Pacific Alliance South Summit, to be held on November 30 in Bogota, Colombia will attract promising startups from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and of course Peru.

The Pacific Alliance South Summit is the first regional version of South Summit, worldwide startup event. With support from Spain Startup, the entrepreneurial entity behind South Summit, and IE University, the private Spanish institution home to the prestigious IE Business School, the event aims to create an opportunity for venture capital investment, networking and collaboration within the Pacific Alliance.

Each country will participate with ten startups. The Peru lineup announced by the Ministry of Production is comprised by Arrivedo, Turismoi, Drop Technologies, Chazki, Fractalup, Spacedat, Suruna, Juntoz, Guvery and Dilloo.

These startups fulfilled the stringent requirements set forth by the IE Business School, including potential for scalability, a disruptive outlook, a dedicated full-time team and certain amounts of previous funding and current revenue.

These startups will have the opportunity to participate in training sessions, pitch their products to investors, attend keynote speaker conferences on access to smart capital, and connect to new players in the Iberoamerican scene.

“The Pacific Alliance has become a platform for business attraction”, stated Natalia Bayona, Vice President of International Development for Spain Startup. “The alliance currently receives 41% of direct foreign investment in Latin America, evidencing opportunities for investors and international companies to engage in strategic partnerships with entrepreneurs in a show of support for innovation in all four member countries”, she continued.

Participating Startups

Arrivedo is one of the largest companies in the lineup, offers distinct experience in the hospitality industry. Arrivedo’s Neighborhood Guides bridge the gap between the independent spirit of Airbnb travelers and the unbeatable hospitality of knowledgeable hoteliers.

“We differentiate ourselves from our market competitors by helping travelers find the ideal neighborhood experiences when booking a hotel. Of course our content is also helpful once the traveler is in destination as guests get a curated guide on their phones right after check-in”, said says CEO and co-founder Alonso Franco.

The company started testing hotels in Lima and Cusco for its service and soon expanded to cities in the U.S. and Europe, showing that its disruptive approach to the industry was indeed highly desirable for both guests and hotels. Winner of the “Best International Startup” award in 2017 TechFestNW in Portland, Arrivedo is looking to dazzle investors and players once again at the Pacific Alliance South Summit.

The Peru team also includes personalized tour aggregator Turismoi, e-commerce marketplace Juntoz and express delivery company Chazki. For international deliveries, Guvery allows for low-cost overseas shipping by connecting Peruvians purchasers with international travelers.

A particular example of niche startup innovation is Drop Technologies, dedicated to making a smartphone-enabled device that will make the lives of people with excessive sweating much less complicated.

Representatives of the tech sector include Spacedat, which uses drones to bring the power of Big Data to farmers. Suruna has taken to apply AI for marketing purposes in video applications. Last but not least, FractalUp provides custom pre-university courses supported by a novel AI-powered platform and human tutors.


Daniel Sanchez:

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